Back from Stargazing

It's been a life changing while! 

I'm back from 9 days of backpack canoeing in Algonquin park. No cell service, no flush toilets, all the swimming, stars and sun. It was amazing. =) 

I think I'll have a larger post about the adventure in the coming weeks (backcountry apple pie!) but until then, take my word for it, the lakes in Ontario are breathtaking at dawn, in daylight and at dusk. I got to see the most spectacular shooting star of my life while laid out with my 7 fellow adventurers on a sun-warmed Canadian sheild rock slab. 

But yah! After being in nature that long I was terribly glad to take a shower and poop in a toilet after we got home. I loved the trip, but am definitely a city girl - I missed my real oven and hot water from the tap. XD

TL;DR. Algonquin Park: Would do again. <3


The Half-Assed Hobbyist