
So I spent all of last week packing up the apartment. Also we had 9 going away parties.... Haha.


Then we packed up our pod and, after one last Alberta beef filled meal, headed to the airport, Toronto bound!

We've been here almost 3 days and are hopefully signing a lease tonight. Fingers crossed!!! 

Then, after I get a less crappy internet hook up, I'll be catching up on all the hobby posts. Promise! <3



The Half-Assed Hobbyist

Never make plans

So I broke my toe yesterday. 

They never tell you how much breaking bones actually hurts. Everyone always just says "be careful or you'll break something" not, "are you nuts?! Don't you know how much that would hurt if you broke it?". I mean, I've stubbed every toe I have at least twice, but nothing quite feels like breaking one. 

Really though, it's pretty hilarious. I kicked a chair leg accidentally and, because I was wearing a toe ring, it fractured. I had to get my neighbour to help me down the stairs so my mom could drive me to the hospital (after the Health Link nurse I phoned freaked me out so much I had to go). 


Anyways! We'll see if I finish all my projects next week. I maaaaay be stuck at home in a teeny tiny toe sling instead. 


The Half-Assed Hobbyist

Catching up

It's been almost a month since I posted anything (Bad Andrea) but I have still been doing all the things. Finally got a post about my pork roulade up! Yay! Only took since May, haha. And now I'm working on the big gardening post, the moving plants debacle and the Alberta Goodbye. 

I also went gardening yesterday (for the first time in a while...) with my bestie Angela! So progress all around!

Also also, the move is scheduled! D= July 23rd we will be on a jet plane (more likely it will be a regular plane) headed for Toronto. Scary! But still exciting. 

Love! (I promise to be more consistent after all the life stops getting in the way.)


The Half-Assed Hobbyist