Always all the things

It seems sometimes, as a hobbyist, that projects come and go in waves. I literally think of physics and the potential and kinetic energy experiment of masses on springs. (Nerd alert.) I get a million ideas all at once and want to do them all immediately. They all get started (or prepared) and then, because there are literally only so many hours in the day and I only have two hands, they get 'prioritized' into some line up of what's easiest/fastest/most interesting. Then there's a slow elapse of doing and completing and procrastinating and doing and completing and more procrastinating until, finally, end in sight, there's a new burst of Do All the Things.

Anyway. I feel like I'm in a 'burst' right now: seed starting, two sewing projects, two new recipe experiences, knitting project, and wedding center pieces.

I think Monday I'll decide what comes first... and then Tuesday I'll promptly forget and do something completely different.


The Half-Assed Hobbyist



I am RIDICULOUSLY excited right now.

Two Sundays ago the Fiancé and I were thinking up our weekly meal plan when the idea of pelmeni (Russian dumplings) came into my head. I'd had them a million years ago at the Edmonton Heritage Days festival and thought, what a great dinner idea! Make them, freeze them, put them in a stew. Er. I mean, boil them, fry them, stick them in my face? >>

Anyways. The Fiancé stumbled upon this blog and calmly mentioned that the blooger was using a neat tool to make the dumplings.

My heart literally skipped a beat.

Oh gad. The engineering side of my brain went nuts. I could use this tool to easily make a million dumplings. Meat, mushroom, sweet? It should even work for different kinds of dough. Pasta? Ravioli? Maybe even mochi? AHHH. Idea Overload.

My foodie blog hero went a step further and linked to an amazon provider for the amazing pelmeni tool. SOLD.

And here it is. A week and 2 days later. All the way from Ukraine. It even came with Amazingly translated instructions. (All of which I will share when I do my dumpling post. =P)

I still have to use it.... But I'm too excited to wait to blog about it entirely.


To my dumpling future!


The Half-Assed Hobbyist

Plenty of time

Hello February!

I've still got plenty of time to do winter things, right? Like finish a sweater dress? Make Russian pelmeni? Have a winter cocktail party?

....or are you going to be magically spring soon?

Just checking in, you know, in case you change your mind mid way through a snowshoeing trip.

Lots of love!


The Half-Assed Hobbyist